Yudinda Gilang Pramudya

ChatGPT: Gen-AI Serbaguna

January 17, 2024 | by YudindaGilangPramudya


Jadi tutor masak

 “Take on the role of a professional chef. I want you to teach me how to cook properly and make delicious food. I will cook the best Indonesian food. Recommend me a list of the 5 best Indonesian foods and how to cook them correctly.”

prompt input
result output

Jadi teman ngobrol

“I need someone to chat with regarding technological developments in the smartphone industry. I want to discuss CPU technology on smartphones. Let’s discuss”

prompt input

Setelah itu, kalian bisa secara bebas menanyakan apapun perihal topik yang sedang didiskusikan. 

result output

Jadi asisten mengerjakan tugas

“Help me in completing my sociology assignment. I was asked to make a mind map of the history of war and its impact on the social sphere. Please give suggestions, what aspects should I make in the mind map?”

prompt input
result output

See you in the next article. Thanks…


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